LOV Olive Branches... Building Youth & Families in Local Communities and Around the World
Vision Statement
The vision of LOV Olive Branches, CDC is to graft in and give life to as many broken branches as possible. Moving from family to family, city to city, and state to state, becoming so broad that it's branches reach out and become that link to equip and empower the total family unit.
Mission Statement
LOV Olive Branches, CDC is a non-profit 501(C)(3) charitable organization. The community development company works in collaboration with professional and other non-profit agencies to provide enrichment programs and vocational training that equip participants for future success.

LOV Olive Branches was founded in 1999 by Pastor Leroy and Anna Toliver, longtime residents of Altadena, Advocates for youth at risk, Dept. of Children and Family Services and Family to Family community partners in Los Angeles Metro and North Pasadena.
On their journey, they became foster parents and eventually adoptive parents. Their mission has been to graft in and give life to as many broken branches (children and families) as possible.
While in retirement, the Toliver’s continue to reach out to communities. As a result of their 58 years of dedication and faithful service in ministry to, home and foreign missions, community outreach, and pastoral work, in June of 2017, each were conferred with Honorary Doctorates of Ministry.

Doctor's Leroy and Anna Toliver.
My name is Valerie Toliver. I am a native of California. I am the mother of two adult children Thomas who is a Pro bodybuilder and Rebekah who is a professional dancer and owns her juicing business. I also have conservatorship over my adoptive brother Michael who is disabled and mentally challenged.
I am a self-employed business owner of Trans4mation Institute in Altadena Ca as a Barber for over 25 years serving the community. I had a passion to help to create a platform for youth by tapping into their gifts, and talents.
I learned this through my daughter Rebekah, she was a troubled teen in and out of trouble, arrested and on trial in juvenile court, as a single mother and business owner it changed my whole outlook on the youth, God broke me down and humbled me, the Holy Spirit woke me up and said it will be my way or you will lose her, this was the beginning of Trans4mation.
Trans4mation Institute is a part of LOV Olive Branches, where my Parents are the Founders. Currently, the Trans4mation Institute is developing a Entrepreneur Boot camp for our youth ages 10 yrs to 18 yrs to train and become equipped to start their own businesses.
I have worked in the community under the LOV Olive Branches cdc 501(c)3 where we host an annual community event before each August, called the Back to School Community Give Back.
During this event we give out Free Food, School Supplies, Backpacks, Gifts Cards, Free Haircuts, and we provide Cornrows braids for the young ladies.
We bagan the Back to School Community Give Back because we observed a need to empower students to have a fresh start each school year, and this was our opportunity to give back and bring resources to the families that are in need. Our event is also a wonderful time for networking and we have had the honor to partner with local businesses, churches, civic organizations, and local governments that support, sponsor or participate in our mission.
At LOV Olive Branches our goal is to expose youth ages 10yr to 21yr that have their own businesses to potential customers and to showcase their talents during our events. Our youth business tradeshow grows each year.
Through LOV Olive Branches and the Trans4mation Institute, I have Evangelized in Los Angeles and the surrounding communities. I have traveled to the Bahamas and Costa Rica cutting hair and passing out school supplies. I have fed the homeless, worked with domestic violence victims, Women Support Groups, Group Homes, and Mentally Challenged Adults. My Certification includes William Hansen Institute Choice Theory, Reality Therapy, Lead Management, Domestic Violence, Cosmetology.